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Portraitfoto Gloria Krenn

Let’s talk about it!

“Gen Z revolutionises diversity: How digital natives are turning the application process upside down.”

What roles do social media and companies’ online presence play for Gen Z when assessing their commitment to diversity?

Tanja: The online presence of a company is often the first impression that is gained. It is not enough to list the company values hidden on the website.

Tina: Students currently very often mention LinkedIn as a platform for job search, where they can also get an idea of the corporate environment.

How can students recognize whether a company really cultivates an inclusive culture or just engages in superficial ‘diversity-washing’?

Tanja: Are real employees shown and their voices reflected? Are there concrete strategies, working groups or initiatives in the company? In particular, personal contacts, conversations at career events, or job interviews can give a sense of how an inclusive culture is really lived.

Tina: It is always helpful to get information and hear the experience from personal contacts, but it is also important to make your own impression—for example at career events or in job interviews, where applicants can also address diversity topics.

What opportunities are there for students to get involved in promoting diversity and inclusion in the working world during their studies and to raise awareness?

Tanja: Our specially designed course voice.of.diversity equips students with training on unconscious bias and connects them with companies that value diversity. Thanks to the ‘anonymous auditions’, the students’ professional qualifications take center stage when they meet company representatives.

Tina: It is important for us to consciously address topics such as diversity, bias, intercultural competences, and communication in our workshops and courses. Students can learn a lot for their professional career there.

What roles do flexible working models and work-life balance play for Gen Z in the context of diversity and belonging?

Tanja: Gen Z prioritizes mental health & wellbeing—work environments that proactively offer support and flexibility promote employees’ health and allow them to be open and themselves.

Tina: In addition to the opportunity to gain relevant professional experience, these topics are key decision-making factors.

Tanja Elgendy and Tina Landrau are your career coaches and advisors at the TU Career Center.
Our counseling services are available all year round and are free of charge for TU Wien students.

IMG 1559

If you are interested in our services, please contact us by e-mail at: beratung@tucareer.com or have a look at our website: tucareer.com

Do you want to experience
a fair application process?

Apply now: voice.of.diversity official course / 1 ECTS


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