Interview with Edona Haziraj
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Breaking Barriers:
Insights from voice.of.diversity

As diversity and inclusion gain importance, TU Career Center’s voice.of.diversity program
promotes equity in the job market. We spoke with Edona Haziraj, an MSc student in Media and Human-Centered Computing, about her experience with this initiative.

What practical tips for promoting diversity did you take away from this course?

I learned that awareness of unconscious biases is crucial for reducing them. The course showed how appearance, gender, or background can unfairly influence hiring decisions, and emphasized focusing on skills and qualifications for fairer outcomes. I realized biases affect both how others perceive us and shape our own assumptions.

How did you feel about the anonymous audition and how did you benefit from the Debias chat?

The anonymous audition was a unique experience for me. It removed the usual pressure of worrying about how I’m being perceived, allowing me to focus solely on my skills and qualifications. I caught myself unconsciously forming assumptions about my interviewer, which later turned out to be wrong. This highlighted the fact that we are all influenced by biases, even in situations where we try to be neutral. The chat format also taught me that different people perform better in different interview settings, which is something traditional interviews often overlook.

How did the companies present their diversity and inclusion efforts in your opinion? What convinced you?

From what I observed, the companies seemed genuinely interested in supporting diversity and inclusion. Although they were there as part of the course, I felt they were open-minded and ready to engage with a diverse pool of candidates. However, it would have been more convincing if their efforts went beyond the course setting and if they were truly committed to hiring based on this process. One recruiter did mention that my communication was clearer in person than in the chat, which made me reflect on how interview formats can impact performance.

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How do you imagine an ideal diverse and inclusive work environment, and what do you think companies can do to create it?

An ideal diverse and inclusive work environment is one where everyone is respected for who they are, regardless of gender, ethnicity, age, or any other characteristic. Companies can achieve this by prioritizing diversity competence—being aware of and valuing differences while making rational, unbiased decisions. Regular training on unconscious bias, open discussions about inclusion, and flexible, varied hiring practices can all contribute to a more inclusive atmosphere.

How did voice.of.diversity change your perspective on job discrimination, and what strategies did you learn for future applications?

Being a non-EU woman, I have faced biases in the Austrian job market, where factors like gender and nationality can unfairly affect employment opportunities. voice.of.diversity highlighted how deep-­rooted these biases are and taught me that awareness is key. By acknowledging that biases affect everyone, I now approach future applications with more resilience and strategies to mitigate these biases—whether I’m on the applicant’s side or in a future recruiting position.

What would you tell other students why they should definitely take part in such an event like voice.of.diversity?

I believe every student should take part in an event like this because it opens your eyes to how pervasive biases are in our daily lives. The more aware we are, the more inclusive we become, both in our interactions and decision-making. Beyond that, it’s a fantastic opportunity to meet new people, gain new perspectives, and prepare for real-world job environments in a way that prioritizes fairness and equality.

Do you want to experience
a fair application process?

Apply now: voice.of.diversity official course / 1 ECTS


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