Text Lukas Ramach
Foto BOC Group

voice.of.diversity pioneer
“from the very beginning”

Our company has been part of the Voice of Diversity (VoD) initiative from the very beginning because diversity is deeply rooted in our corporate culture. For us, diversity is not just a trend but an essential part of our success. It helps us develop creative solutions for our customers and build teams that work seamlessly together.

What particularly appealed to us about VoD is the clear focus on giving opportunities to people who might otherwise be overlooked in traditional hiring processes. The scientific support and hands-on workshops with Mr. Manuel Bräuhofern, along with the experiences from VoD, have helped us identify unconscious biases and make our recruiting processes more inclusive.

Our experience with VoD has been very positive, and from each participation, we have welcomed 4–5 candidates as employees. Many of these employees are still part of the BOC Group and are building their careers with us. The candidates from VoD are employed in various areas such as project management, software development, process management, and DevOps, and their unique perspectives make a significant contribution to the company’s success. You can read about their stories and experiences at the BOC Group directly on our website.

Lukas Ramach#2

Lukas Ramach

Managing Director
BOC Information Technologies Consulting GmbH

You want to get to know the company?
Join voice.of.diversity or visit
www.tucareer.com to find out which other career courses and events the company is taking part in!


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